This goes out to my true friends :)


chick magnet
16 Years
Jul 12, 2007
Newport, MI
I found this poem and thought I would share it to all my friends who have stuck up for me.

A best friend
is always there,
whether you need advice,
or a pep talk,
or even a shoulder to cry on.
A best friend
listens with her heart
and is always honest with you,
even though the truth
may not be
what you want to hear.
A best friend
knows all your secrets,
understands your fears
shares your dreams.
A best friend
never stops believing in you
even if you give up
on yourself.
you are
that kind of friend
to me.
And no matter what happens,
you always will be.
You are my best friend....
my forever friend.

By: Renee Duvall
nah. Why should I? I wont let anyone stand in my way
I am here to stay
I dont mind telling you. Some people think I am lying about the whole wedding thing. I did not want to say anthing about my past but people found out my past from my old links. I am trying to get ashley on here to prove I am not lying. She is going to sign up later on tonight to let people know I am telling the truth

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