This is a boring thread...

Wow thats a really odd set-up going on. Or odd folks that own that place for sure.
Oh Ellen! I do understand about the mouse

A couple years ago, I went to use an old 2x4 that had been sitting on the back side of the barn. When I picked it up, I found a litter of mouse babies under it- eyes not even opened. The cat happened to be with me at the time and went beserk. I picked the babies up that she had grabbed and put them back under the other board pieces. Normally, I want the cats to get the mice, but this just seemed so wrong- the whole litter and all...........
I had a cat that would kill and eat the mouse, but it always saved me the skull. I would find it on my pillow went I went to bed or when I woke up right next to me. The kitty door got locked after a few mornings of that and the cat got frisked at the door.
WOW! Thanks for all the kind replies, guys!! I didn't know boring could be so full of warm fuzzies!
Patty, I loved your website but I didn't see YOU, ya big chicken!!
I also enjoyed all y'alls's stories about mice and cats and such. Just think of all the wonderful experiences we've got to share!! Remind me to tell you one of my snake experiences someday!

W. of THAT beats them all!!! YUCK!!!
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I have those Observin' Days at home here. When the weather's not too cold or too hot - I'll sit out there all day and watch my birds hunt, graze, dust-bathe, and do their little bird-social thingies. It's quite soothing and relaxing.

I never get in the way of my cats and dog doing what they were born for, though. They're filling their natural niche. Dog helps me around the yard and house, drives off the neighbor's marauding dogs, and brings me eggs the girls have stashed in places I can't get to anymore. She knows if she brings me all of 'em with no cracks - she gets to eat one!
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