This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

Very sorry for your loss, sounded very gruesome. Predators are crafty. I know its frustrating to lose part of your flock but don't give up.
Coons got one of our chickens so we set a live trap, cought and killed 6 coons in 11 days. I dont take predation to my pets well. I've killed one coyote recently but they've not been succesfull in they're attacks yet.
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Awesome! Great job!
In 4 years of living in the country, we've only ever had to kill a handful of predators. We have 2 species of coyotes here, but mostly the ones called brush wolves. They seldom come out of the forest for a chicken/duck dinner. We killed one 2 years ago. We were lucky that I had looked out the window when I did. We were just heading out to town when I spotted a 40lb coyote stalking my ducks. I didn't have my license yet like my hubby, so he took care of it.

We had a coon with distemper in the chicken yard, once. Chickens just stared at it curiously. They knew something was off about it. It was going through the final stages of the disease. Very sad to see - hate to see an animal suffering & was good to put it out of its misery.
Well you guys are not going to believe this - but here are pictures of the culprit. It reached through the fence and nabbed 2 off the roost last night. Another lesson learned - I am moving their roosts to the middle of the pen - AND OUT OF REACH - instead of the corner ASAP. There will be a stakeout tonight to deal with the immediate issue.

I am pretty sure it is a stray or feral dog - definitely does not have a collar. I live next to 512 acres of woodlands and it appears to be on the lower end of the weight scale in the closer pictures. I only uploaded the best 2 out of the 129 picture the camera took. Hopefully I have time to move their roost this evening.

I have a guest bedroom with a window that faces towards the bird pens - I will be sleeping in there tonight with the window open and one of my dogs with me. Hopefully that will be enough to wake me up.

I am still bewildered as to how it is getting on the property to begin with, my property is surrounded with 2x4 x 5' no climb horse fence and all the gates are maybe 2-3" off the ground.

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