This is a very hard hobby to have at times.

I've had problems with wild dogs, possums and hawks in the past. I got a German Shepherd pup and raised him with the chickens. He protect them from predators and barks if any dogs come around. I don't have a big of a problem with hawks with him in the yard with the chickens. They all free range together in my large fenced yard with the dog watching over it all!. Last time a possum got in my coop he and the girls let me know. As I live in an open carry state, the possum is no longer an issue.
I've had problems with wild dogs, possums and hawks in the past. I got a German Shepherd pup and raised him with the chickens. He protect them from predators and barks if any dogs come around. I don't have a big of a problem with hawks with him in the yard with the chickens. They all free range together in my large fenced yard with the dog watching over it all!. Last time a possum got in my coop he and the girls let me know. As I live in an open carry state, the possum is no longer an issue.
Well done! :)
Just an update for you guys. The roost has been moved to the center of the pen. I stayed up late (and paid for it) on tuesday night - no show. My dog failed to wake me last night but the attacking dog also failed to get any turkeys as they were safely out of reach.

So no success yet, but I plan on waking up late tonight for another attempt.
Just an update for you guys.  The roost has been moved to the center of the pen.  I stayed up late (and paid for it)  on tuesday night - no show.  My dog failed to wake me last night but the attacking dog also failed to get any turkeys as they were safely out of reach.

So no success yet, but I plan on waking up late tonight for another attempt.

Good news. Well, you did have success. No birds were killed, eaten or injured, so that is a point for you. You will get that killer soon enough. ;)
Scottingitup wrote: Just an update for you guys. The roost has been moved to the center of the pen. I stayed up late (and paid for it) on tuesday night - no show. My dog failed to wake me last night but the attacking dog also failed to get any turkeys as they were safely out of reach.

So no success yet, but I plan on waking up late tonight for another attempt.

Just got a chance to hit the site. Sorry for your losses. Hope you get the vermin (a loose dog is nothing but road kill waiting to happen so a more `humane' retirement from the target pool is always best...)

Don't know your setup. However if it is possible to run an extension cord to enclosed area, in/near run, a cheap $20.00 baby monitor is an excellent adjunct for IDing approach/harassment and attacks by ANY vermin (if you are at home and awake). We have used two of these for going on 8.5 years to very good effect (leave receivers at head of bed with volume cranked - rooster/toms greeting the morning won't wake me up but chickens whining/growling and turkeys giving out alarm whoots/putts will (either check/clear the traps and/or shoot the vermin and back to bed.

Best of luck to you and your turks!
Purchased a baby monitor and so far - nada! (Well - unless you count Coors my reverse barred rock mix crowing at a train at 330 in the morning!
) Nothing on camera either. I can't decide if this is good or not - it seems like the dog has moved on since moving the turkeys out of reach; but I would rather have a more definite resolution to this.
Don't worry I plan on keeping the baby monitor active. I have it in a ziplock bag tied to the pen fencing, even the slightest bump of the fence causes the parent unit to vibrate, beep and light up!

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