This is Day 1.......................


10 Years
Oct 14, 2010
Jurupa Valley, CA
Hi all you cluckers out there. I officially got my feet wet today, AWW heck I just jumped right in the deep end actually, when I recieved my 7 precious eggs and put them in my homemade incubator. I want to Thank all the wonderful people who posted their own bator designs. It took me about a week to "get it right" but its been running like clockwork now. I especially want to thank 7-11 Hatch-A-Bator for his little trick of drilling the holes in the thermostat. It really works!!! Now comes the hard part, watching and hoping that you will have fuzzy little wee ones in 21 days. Does any one know if by just looking at those eggs you can will them all to hatch?? (hee hee) Even if I just get 2 or 3 I will be happy. I have Old English Silver Duckwings "cooking"
I just put 13 BBS cochin eggs in my incubator (10/15)! Never used an incubator, but I have 2 new babies thanks to my broody 'lorp, Francesca. That was tons of fun, but I bothered the poor girl by candling every night. She was glad to get those things hatched. I have to have better self restraint using an incubator. Hope I can control myself.
Put some in on sunday too! Swore I was done for the year
(silly me)
hopefully hatch out some silkies for me to KEEP this time,

and keeping fingers crossed for my serama's this time too!
We put down 24 yesterday at midnight. This is my first time hands free. I picked up a turner yesterday. Best of cluck with your homemade incubator. I too was done with chicks for the year but.....

Here we go again....

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