This Is For Everyone Who Has Chicken Eggs In The Bator :)

I'm on day 11 with 15 mystery eggs due to hatch June 30, and day 9 with 22 (10 Blue Andalusian, 5 Dorking, 1 houdan, 2 minorca, 1 orloff, 2 Iowa Blue, ) to hatch July 2, and 2 Auburn turkey eggs due to hatch July 9.

and I'm getting more, this is so addictive!!
In the living room are 2 Icelandic chicks around 4 weeks old--

Outside I have 1 Brahma pullet, 2 Buff Orpington pullets, 2 Black Australorp pullets, 1 Partridge Rock pullet (guessing at breed), 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes (getting red combs and wattles, maybe roosters?), and 2 hilarious Pekin ducks.

Can't forget my bottle-baby Icelandic Sheep lamb, Moses!!
and my Icelandic Sheepdog puppy Ulfi and several barn cats and kittens

Vicki in Michigan
I'm on day 6 with 30 mixed breed eggs from my own flock. I tried two hatches earlier this year from shipped eggs with zero results. I decided no more spending money on eggs until I can have success with my own eggs. Wanting good hatching vibes for this bunch.
Sending LOTS! of good vibes to your eggs

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