This is Not an emergency! ? about a 2 year old hen.


11 Years
Dec 27, 2008
I have a 2 year old Orp/cochin mix,?Big Betty , and I noticed today that the area beneath her vent is bald and kinda red , the baldness is kinda running up towards her belly, She is a pretty big ole girl but I wouldn't say too fat, I picked her up and felt the area and she felt warm but I think chickens have a pretty high body temp anyway? but it felt kinda soft and flabby, again her vent doesn't seem to be effected. I felt for what I thought might be an egg stuck because it looked kinda swollen but couldn't feel anything that way eighther, she is eating fine and drinking good too. I read on a post here awhile back that they sometimes go bald like that when they're broody she also is showing no signs of wanting to make a family of her own either? There is no blood and no signs that I could tell of someone pecking at her? Oh and no signs of any discharge. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section but would really like some insight on what might be going on with my Big Betty. Thankyou Sandy
thankyou, Nope she is not acting sick, or broody, so I will give her a dusting, I should probably dust all of em huh , though none of the others are having this problem. but just to be on the safe side I will dust all of them. I do check them periodically and never seen signs of mite or any other little buggies but I guess you can never be too sure. Thanks again sandy.

Ps. the balding isn't patchy it is one big old bald spot way under her vent and on to the bottom of her tummy every thing else is very fluffy everywhere even on her legs and between them,. Thanks again Sandy
bet someone is plucking her feathers while they roost, I have seen this myself with my hens, same spot too
Did you use something on her to get them to stop? All of the Roost are exactly the same height but I guess they could still reach under her to get at her?
they eat egg-a-day feed, plus they get plenty of treats too, veggies and stuff from the house and occasionally kitten food, All of their poo seems normal, but if it was feather plucking could she be doing it to herself because no one else is plucking feathers, Do you think I should worm them all just in case even though there have been no signs of them yet which I know doesn't always mean anything. Thanks, sandy
Hi Sandy -

I would actually take a watch and wait approach. If she acts fine, just keep an eye on her and make sure the bald patch doesn't get any bigger or start to bleed. I don't believe in treating if there are no signs of anything wrong. I have a hen that has the same bald patch. I noticed after a particularly rainy few days that she had a "dirty bottom." Soon afterward she was bare. I have since seen no sign of any pecking or picking. She is fine - she just looks a little funny from behind when she walks now!
Over the years I have noticed that there are just some hens that develop this appearance. If all else is good, I would not worry about it. Check for mites, worm if you have not done so recently and put your worries aside. When she goes through the next molt, she will be all "pretty" again.

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