This is the coop we got. Now just a few questions... Please read!!


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
So we purchased this coop on eBay. (
We recently read they aren't very good coops :/ but my father said that he will fix it up (he was a carpenter for some years). So we aren't really worried about that. What we are worried about is the space. It said it was good enough for four chickens. So we were like okay, good. Now we are thinking about getting one more chick (most likely a bantam) so we need to what should we add or what we should do. The chickens are going to be free range until lock up in evening. Please dont hate we are new to all of this.
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Welcome to BYC! Four standard size hens will be a bit snug but ok. I wouldn't add any more, including a bantam. Do you have them yet? If you want more than four you should have your dad figure out a way to extend the coop out the back to make it bigger. I would also take out that plexiglass window and cover it with hardware cloth for more ventilation. You can always velcro the plexiglass to the outside for inclement weather. I did that with a coop I had that is similar to this one.

Hope this was helpful.
Hey welcome to Byc and just so you know..this isnt really a hater community. . I havent seen any rude posts on here yet. So dont worry about that. We all love chickens and we all love to share our knowledge! If your chickens are going to be free range except at night I think that coop is more than enough to house 5 chickens especially if they are bantams. I would just try it out and make sure they dont look cramped and then if you start to have space issues you can add to your coop. Good luck..the coop looks nice to me..did you get the run too or just the coop?
Hey welcome to Byc and just so you know..this isnt really a hater community. . I havent seen any rude posts on here yet. So dont worry about that. We all love chickens and we all love to share our knowledge! If your chickens are going to be free range except at night I think that coop is more than enough to house 5 chickens especially if they are bantams. I would just try it out and make sure they dont look cramped and then if you start to have space issues you can add to your coop. Good luck..the coop looks nice to me..did you get the run too or just the coop?

We have four BO and want to get a silkie or a Cochin. Yes we did get the run too. :)
You may need to add a roost. And I would coat the whole thing with a good quality preservative before you even start to use it. They are cute, but if its like the one I got from ebay, the stain they use won't even last the summer. Check out all the hardware to be sure its predator roof and enjoy your chickens. If you decide to continue your chicken experience you can always build a bigger one and use this one for emergencies,broodies or whatever. More space always comes in handy. This should make a nice starter coop for you.
We have four BO and want to get a silkie or a Cochin. Yes we did get the run too.

its a nice coop but a bit snug for the amount of hens you want 4 is max i'd say

and personally I think you payed too much

I brought a coop from ebay for 9 hens and it cost me in dollars $60 with built in run

btw trefoil the coops are only coated in preservative to protect the wood you have to always stain it no matter what, they never come stained
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