This is unbearable


Oct 24, 2020
Staten Island NY
My chickens have always been good and quiet minus the egg song which i don’t mind but only one has been an issue since birth (female bantam Easter egger) she screams and i mean screams every morning i have the link to recording, also caught her attempting to crow like a rooster. ( she is 100% not a rooster witnessed her lay egg)

My chickens have always been good and quiet minus the egg song which i don’t mind but only one has been an issue since birth (female bantam Easter egger) she screams and i mean screams every morning i have the link to recording, also caught her attempting to crow like a rooster. ( she is 100% not a rooster witnessed her lay egg)

Also it’s not just that area they have access to, they have a 20x40 4ft covered area under my deck with full reign it’s only 5 bantams and over 1000sqft of space. Fresh water and veggies daily with crickets mixed in, i don’t get it.
They're like people, eventually you'll get a loud mouth it is destiny if you have chickens.
I call it the "can you hear me now?" curse :caf
Haha I’ve had bantams before long time ago with family, this one is hands down the loudest I’m in Staten Island, NY, i have no nieghbors on their side but she is brutal. The others are angels.

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