This should be interesting . . .


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Apr 9, 2014
N. California
I'm incubating shipped eggs that are on day 9. I candled today and found that every single egg has a detached egg cell -- and the air sacs look kind of large as well. However, 10 of 12 were developing and I can see movement in all of them. I've hatched shipped eggs before, and usually detached air cells mean scrambled yolks and no development.

I have no idea how many, if any, will hatch. They are in a Brinsea 20, so they are being incubated with the air side up, and rocked back and forth rather then being "turned". My plan is to stop the rocking on day 16, and place them in egg carton, fat side up to hatch.

If anyone has had completely detached air cell eggs hatch, I'd love to hear some positive stories. Otherwise, I will let you know what happens.
I'm incubating shipped eggs that are on day 9. I candled today and found that every single egg has a detached egg cell -- and the air sacs look kind of large as well. However, 10 of 12 were developing and I can see movement in all of them. I've hatched shipped eggs before, and usually detached air cells mean scrambled yolks and no development.

I have no idea how many, if any, will hatch. They are in a Brinsea 20, so they are being incubated with the air side up, and rocked back and forth rather then being "turned". My plan is to stop the rocking on day 16, and place them in egg carton, fat side up to hatch.

If anyone has had completely detached air cell eggs hatch, I'd love to hear some positive stories. Otherwise, I will let you know what happens.
Yes! I have hatched detached aircells. You may want to try putting them in the individual egg cartons now and gently hand turn them from one side to the other 3-4 times a day at most. They can also hatch upright in the cartons. ☺
Update! It was a good hatch. So take heart anyone who gets shipped eggs with wonky air cells.

All 10 of the developing eggs made it to lockdown. 9 of 10 hatched, all pipping at the correct end, and all hatched without assistance. The 10th egg pipped internally, but died in the shell without making an external pip.

The one sad note, is that the first one to hatch was born very weak, with a partially open navel, closed eyes and splayed legs. I did what I could for it, but it did not make it. The othert 8 however, came out healthy and strong and are bouncing around in the incubator as I speak.

A few notes on what I did;

--Because the air sacs were huge, I kept the humidity higher than I usually do (normally I do with 38-ish; for this hatch I kept it 45). At lockdown I bumped it to 70.

--I stopped all turning on day 16 -- by day 19, the air sacs had mostly all reattached.

--I hatched upright, in cut down egg cartons.

In sum -- 8 for 12 on shipped eggs, my best shipped eggs hatch yet.

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