Every year around this time, I become a hatchaholic for some egg-layers in the spring.
This year, we’re working on breeding a Black Cochin cockerel to a Black Cochin hen, a Cochin x Leghorn/Polish, a Buff laced Sebright (If she starts laying), and a Golden laced Sebright (also should start laying here soon). We are also planning on breeding our Ayam Cemani x Sebright cockerel to an Ameracauna, Black Cochin, and a Black Andalusian.
What kind of chickens are you planning on crossing this winter/fall?
If anybody wants pictures of the chickens I’m planning to cross, just ask! I’d be happy to share.
This year, we’re working on breeding a Black Cochin cockerel to a Black Cochin hen, a Cochin x Leghorn/Polish, a Buff laced Sebright (If she starts laying), and a Golden laced Sebright (also should start laying here soon). We are also planning on breeding our Ayam Cemani x Sebright cockerel to an Ameracauna, Black Cochin, and a Black Andalusian.
What kind of chickens are you planning on crossing this winter/fall?
If anybody wants pictures of the chickens I’m planning to cross, just ask! I’d be happy to share.