Thoughts/ideas on pullet leg injury


Apr 20, 2022
The Ozarks
Currently isolating and providing electrolytes, vitamin E and B complex. Just wondering if there are other things I can do to help her. I'm trying to do a little PT to see if we can get that dead foot working again but not sure if that's the right thing to do.
Did you witness the injury? Is the foot or leg paralyzed? How old is she? I would rest the foot in case it is broken, and let it heal.There could be some nerve injury due to the injury. Do you have a rooster? Do you think that Mareks disease might be a possibility? I would continue the vitamins for a couple of weeks. Can she get around at all? Make sure that she can reach food and water. Consider making her a chicken sling. Here are some examples, especially in posts 5, 11, and 12:
Did you witness the injury? Is the foot or leg paralyzed? How old is she? I would rest the foot in case it is broken, and let it heal.There could be some nerve injury due to the injury. Do you have a rooster? Do you think that Mareks disease might be a possibility? I would continue the vitamins for a couple of weeks. Can she get around at all? Make sure that she can reach food and water. Consider making her a chicken sling. Here are some examples, especially in posts 5, 11, and 12:
We had that hail storm on Sunday that killed 2 and injured this one and my Buff Orpington (who is healing nicely). You've been advising me on the other post too. :)
I have the sling and vitamins. These chicks are 7-8 weeks old.
She really can't get around, but I'm trying to help her exercise it -- is that a good idea or should she just rest the leg?
I would rest it right now. If there is an injury to the bone, muscle or tendon, it could potentially cause more damage to move it a lot. She will probably let you know what she is capable of doing. Good luck.

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