Thoughts on incubating both guinea's and turkeys at the same time?


8 Years
Jan 23, 2012
Hamilton Ontario Canada
My first batch off eggs are due to hatch on Friday/Saturday this coming week. ASA I get them out (provided it all went well), I would like to get the incubator ready to hatch both my palm turkey eggs, and my guinea eggs. I only have 2 females of each. The turkey eggs aren't much bigger than my layer eggs. Both the guinea's and turkeys have the same 'gestation'. And, I would suspect the same temp, give or take. Will I be able to incubate both at the same time?? If it worked, would the turkey poults pulverize the smaller guinea's? I would hate to waste 28 days, doing one or the other separate. Have any of you done this? Or what are your thoughts please! Thanks in advance!!

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