Thoughts on new hatch under my broody(squashed???)


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
Am new to hatching and have a broody that started mothers day and now has 9 active chicks and a new chic that is laying under her with 5 or so remaining eggs. Didn't watch others hatch and don't know if its acceptable for a new hatch to lay with eyes closed looking squashed for a while.
Upon occasion chicks do get squashed, but as long as the chick is breathing all is probably OK. Getting out of that egg is hard work and tires them out. It is generally best to not bother the hen as the chicks are hatching so that she does not move around in the nest possibly stepping on a chick.
I didn't want to disturb the hen BUT this afternoon the older chix were starting to get near the rim of large milk crate I used for broody nest(won't do THAT in the future) and it was elavated appx. 2 1/2' off floor so I thought best to move mom/chix/eggs down then noticed one of remaining eggs was pipping(had hole started???) anyhow-I cn't tell if its breathing because I was worried with upsetting mom and just re[placed her and came in. Hope its OK.

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