Thread for my new ducklings

Possible names for unnamed khaki baby

Chicken noodle (CAMPBELL soup
Had to....)
Brownie (let's say basic altogether now...)
Dunkin' (like Dunkin' Donuts coffee)
Muddy buddy
Mud puddle
Mud Pie
Fondue (because it looks like they're dipped in chocolate)
Coca Cola
Baby Ruth
Reese's or Reesa
Piggy (ducks can be gross...)
Moana (if it's a girl that loves water, and what duck doesn't!!!)
Mr. Bill (sounds like a cool drake name... yeah...)

Oh wow I love these names, thanks for posting them! I will definitely consider some of them!
That is the cutest thing ever.  No problems with the crest? I can see why so many love the crested ducklings.. I am in love now.  {Hershey Kisses] sure makes me want to kiss on it. :love

No problems at all! He's so sweet and docile!

I just worry when he starts to mate that he could hurt Pearl by pulling on her crest, but I want to keep him and I want to possibly hatch eggs next year (obviously you cannot breed two crested together) and it would be so cool to see how a Pekin/crested khaki mix would turn out! Hopefully it will​ work out
No problems at all! He's so sweet and docile!

I just worry when he starts to mate that he could hurt Pearl by pulling on her crest, but I want to keep him and I want to possibly hatch eggs next year (obviously you cannot breed two crested together) and it would be so cool to see how a Pekin/crested khaki mix would turn out! Hopefully it will work out
Yes you'll have to keep an eye on the mating. Pekins mixed with other breeds of ducks make the cutest ducklings.
Yes you'll have to keep an eye on the mating.  Pekins mixed with other breeds of ducks make the cutest ducklings. 

After thinking about it, I don't know if I will be able to let her mate. I can't keep an eye on them all the time and plus, if I was watching them all the time, it takes one second for it to happen and I feel like it's taking to much of a risk letting her mate. I don't know what to do, maybe it'll end up being a female. I'd absolutely love to hatch eggs but it's not at all worth pearl getting seriously hurt or killed. I think I have one cockerel out of the six chicks I got so I'm very happy, I've wanted a roo for hatching eggs and protection over the flock. So at least I can possibly hatch chicks next year
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After thinking about it, I don't know if I will be able to let her mate. I can't keep an eye on them all the time and plus, if I was watching them all the time, it takes one second for it to happen and I feel like it's taking to much of a risk letting her mate. I don't know what to do, maybe it'll end up being a female
Oh yes that is a possibility too. Lets hope so.
After thinking about it, I don't know if I will be able to let her mate. I can't keep an eye on them all the time and plus, if I was watching them all the time, it takes one second for it to happen and I feel like it's taking to much of a risk letting her mate. I don't know what to do, maybe it'll end up being a female
If I had to guess, looking at the head and neck shape I would guess female :).
After thinking about it, I don't know if I will be able to let her mate. I can't keep an eye on them all the time and plus, if I was watching them all the time, it takes one second for it to happen and I feel like it's taking to much of a risk letting her mate. I don't know what to do, maybe it'll end up being a female. I'd absolutely love to hatch eggs but it's not at all worth pearl getting seriously hurt or killed. I think I have one cockerel out of the six chicks I got so I'm very happy, I've wanted a roo for hatching eggs and protection over the flock. So at least I can possibly hatch chicks next year

Isnt her crest near the top of her head?Ducks usually grab the neck.i think crest were made a certian way so that their crest wouldnt get pulled out by drakes.
Isnt her crest near the top of her head?Ducks usually grab the neck.i think crest were made a certian way so that their crest wouldnt get pulled out by drakes.

yeah it's near the top. I will just go with the flow for now, it's not for sure a drake, and even if it is a drake I decided will still keep him, unless he becomes aggressive. I don't think drakes ripping off crest are common, people breed them all the time

Here's a picture that gets a good view of her crest
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yeah drakes go fir the below area,generlly unless its a young drake,takes them awhile to figure it all out.My hens usually always have bare necks,never heads.

She is a really nice looking duck.

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