Thread for my new ducklings

I think it's because their skull isn't closed all that is under that fluff on top of their heads is a bit of fatty skin.

Do you have a way for them to get into the pool steps or ramp?

Are you giving the little ones so supportive care like vitamins?  You lil crested may benefit from some extra nutrients

   what makes you think your crested is a drake ?

I know about the crest, i asked how common it is for them to have problems ???

Yeah i have a good size rock so they can step into their pool.

No vitamins but i can get some, what do you recommend?

I think it's a drake from the way it acts. he doesn't make much noise at all (and the non crested khaki and the Pekin are getting their quack, I've heard no quack from him, but I know it could still be female and just quack late) and he's super docile and sweet. Also, he's the only one that will chase off chickens.
According to Holderread in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks, "Ducks that carry the crest allele are susceptible to neurological abnormalities (which may be apparent at hatching time or not until months later) and to skeletal deformities (kinked necks, shortened bodies, roached backs, wry tails). Fortunately, the MAJORITY of Crested ducks are normal and have a life expectancy similar to that of other breeds." He also suggests choosing breeding stock based on their ability to right themselves when laid on their backs.
When my duck Rosie had seizures I asked around and was recommended the Sav-a-chick vitamins from the feed store (TSC in my case). You put one packet into a gallon of water and use that gallon jug to water the ducks. It has Niacin in it which is always good, and it has lots of electrolytes and vitamins, also always good! I also put probiotic dust in the food. No specific measurement, just till it looked reasonable. A couple scoops if I had to guess.
Oh! And Rosie has completely recovered since I used that for 2 weeks (she was like 4 weeks when she started the seizures... or maybe 5... can't remember.) the vitamins and probiotic worked for her!
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According to Holderread in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks, "Ducks that carry the crest allele are susceptible to neurological abnormalities (which may be apparent at hatching time or not until months later) and to skeletal deformities (kinked necks, shortened bodies, roached backs, wry tails).  Fortunately, the MAJORITY of Crested ducks are normal and have a life expectancy similar to that of other breeds."  He also suggests choosing breeding stock based on their ability to right themselves when laid on their backs.  

When my duck Rosie had seizures I asked around and was recommended the Sav-a-chick vitamins from the feed store (TSC in my case). You put one packet into a gallon of water and use that gallon jug to water the ducks. It has Niacin in it which is always good, and it has lots of electrolytes and vitamins, also always good! I also put probiotic dust in the food. No specific measurement, just till it looked reasonable. A couple scoops if I had to guess.

Oh! And Rosie has completely recovered since I used that for 2 weeks (she was like 4 weeks when she started the seizures... or maybe 5... can't remember.) the vitamins and probiotic worked for her!

I was not aware that they can have skeletal deformities, that probably explains why he's shorter and a bit smaller than the other khaki :(

I will definitely look into the vitamins! I'm glad Rosie is ok!
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Hey, how common is it for crested ducks to have neurological issues?
The crested khaki has started acting different

He is the smallest out of the three, can't get in the pool but the other two can and he gets left behind sometimes. It could just be me being paranoid, it just stresses me out because Pete could never get in the pool and then a week later his seizures started, I can't go through that again. It's weird to me that he's smaller than the other khaki, especially if it was a drake i thought he'd be bigger?

Seein as we cannit confirm he is a drake,we cant say why he may be small,he could be a hen,or even a runt.
I know about the crest, i asked how common it is for them to have problems ???

Yeah i have a good size rock so they can step into their pool.

No vitamins but i can get some, what do you recommend?

I think it's a drake from the way it acts. he doesn't make much noise at all (and the non crested khaki and the Pekin are getting their quack, I've heard no quack from him, but I know it could still be female and just quack late) and he's super docile and sweet. Also, he's the only one that will chase off chickens.

When drakes are young they have a small quack in the back of their baby peeps,all ducklings do.My drake actually started the quacking wheeping scream first,and once he aged it turned into the raspy type voice.Infact my khakis were quite when tiny,my pekins always are loud and obnoxious.
I have 6 2week old white pekins. I have read they should not swim till they start getting their feathers at about 3 weeks because they would not be producing oil yet. Is this true or can I go ahead and swim they in some shallow water?
Ducklings can swim like the day after hatching. I think those books are usually referring to deep water. Shallow water in your tub or sink is fine. Mine were swimming in my bathtub the day I got them at 3 days old. Just make sure it's deep enough for them to dive but shallow enough they can stand up.
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I agree. Swimming stimulates their oil glands to make them water proof. Be sure to keep an eye on them though, they can become water logged and have trouble. I used to use different size rubbermaid containers with a brick inside and boards for steps on the outside, so they could get in and out.

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