Thread for my new ducklings

Yeah I'm afraid they'll pick on her, she's so sweet and docile, the chickens almost pecked her eye out and she let it happen
hopefully things will change
Hopefully they will work it out in time.

I made an animal Instagram account for all of my animals a while back, it's pearltheduckandfriends if you want to check it out, I post every day or two.
The non crest is looking mor eliek drake with that green bill.How old are they?

I have that same kitty pool.Seems like they got so big soo quick.
Picking on one another usually never lasts long with ducks,unless its drakes,they can go back and fourth all day.My pekin is so selfish towards eh ancona drake always raping his hens and chasing him off,its crazy.
I want to keep the three with Pearl, can Pearl have their starter/grower feed if I give her oyster shells at night?
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Hopefully they will work it out in time.  :)

Things have been improving and they've only been together in the same area for 3 days :) she would usually just run away from them but today she went swimming with them and they were eating out of the same lettuce head together! Pearl was getting on my lap and laying down, which she has never done before! I can tell she's happy she is not alone anymore :)


(I couldn't get a focused picture because they were eating so fast)
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Things have been improving and they've only been together in the same area for 3 days
she would usually just run away from them but today she went swimming with them and they were eating out of the same lettuce head together! Pearl was getting on my lap and laying down, which she has never done before! I can tell she's happy she is not alone anymore

(I couldn't get a focused picture because they were eating so fast)
That is awesome news!!!
I was at a feed store and in a bin of tons of yellow ducklings was this one Black runner, I had to take it and a friend


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