Three week old chicks breed question


Jul 6, 2015
Urbandale, IA
I have 3 chicks that I believe are the same breed and are within a day of each others hatching (3 weeks old). Not sure what they are and they all seem to have different combs coming in already.
They all have feathers on their feet, two have black feet with one white toe and the other has all white feet. Any thoughts on breed and if any clear signs on gender would be great!


This one above has a dimple at the top of its comb.

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I don't recognize them as any particular breed, they appear to be a mix perhaps, breeds with feathered legs are marans, cochins, Brahma, faverolles, silkies. Do you know where they are from.
They could be mixed with Americana, but with which breed, maybe when they are adults it might be easier to try to guess.
Yes, in the single comb varieties, I can usually tell my boys from my girls at a young age by whether the comb stays orange, a girl, or starts being pink, a rooster, girls combs don't get pink for a few months, boys will turn pink in the first few weeks.
Yes, in the single comb varieties, I can usually tell my boys from my girls at a young age by whether the comb stays orange, a girl, or starts being pink, a rooster, girls combs don't get pink for a few months, boys will turn pink in the first few weeks.

That would make sense why it is so predominant already! That is great insight, thank you!

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