Thrown In the Deep End

from Louisiana
what a great Realtor.. wow.. she must have gotten a big commission.. hahahha just kidding there really are nice people still left out there sound like you found one... a wonderful housewarming gift..
I have to warn you about chickens and byc.. they are addicting.. oh my gosh I LOVE it here.. you learn so much and get so excited to try things and learn from others.. I think your going to find your love your chickens as much as you thougth you would.. they are just great..
welcome to the world of chickens and byc
You're undoubtedly right that they are frightened of you, for now. But usually it's not a big problem to tame them. Sit with them and let them get use to you. If they climb on your foot, put a little feed there. They will probably squawk if you pick them up from above; they have a pretty strong anti-flying predator instinct. If you lay your hand down on their litter, esp. with a little food or treat, they should start climbing on your hand. Just give them time to figure out you're the bearer of good things to eat, and not a gigantic owl or hawk. Bribery with treats is quite successful.

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