Thunder ,lightning and rain

How do I when it’s enough for them or do I just let them do what they want. ???
Let them do what they want. We atre having late afternoon thunder storms with very heavy rain. One of mine goes straight to the security of the coop at the first sign of heavy rain.
Another takes shelter in the garden but has gone on down to the coop after 15 to 20 minutes if the rain isn't over. My third stays out and has even gone to the wading pool for a bath while it is still raining. Ducky personal preferences! Photos of Daffy bathing in the rain this week


My runner ducks seem completely unbothered by any type of bad weather. Not only do they stay outdoors during thunderstorms, they frequently end up snow-covered in the winter, lying right outside the door to their shelter.

I think your ducks are fine as long as they have access to shelter.

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