Tick Problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wear close-fitting clothing and tuck your pants into your socks and your shirt into your pants so ticks can't get to your skin as easily.
Tucking your pants into your socks is good, but I don't tuck my shirt into my pants because I think the ticks would climb up to my head before I could feel them and it's harder to find them there and get them out of my hair.
I would like to add that since getting and free ranging chickens we rarely see any ticks on our acre property. And a friend said that after their chickens were all killed off by predators the tick population in their 2 acre yard exploded. They can’t walk on the grass without getting at least 1 tick, sometimes more. So, chickens are awesome!
Also, if you store wood inside your home for a fireplace or woodstove, ticks can hide on the wood and gain access to your house. Among other insects....we keep our wood in the garage or outside, never stored in the living areas.
It's about having a repellent on your clothes, oral meds for your dogs and cats, and doing a daily personal tick search. And learning safe tick removal techniques! Never touch one, use tweezers or a tick removal tool, never squeeze the body of the tick.
Miserable creatures! All ticks can carry multiple nasty diseases, especially for us, our dogs, and horses.
I'd never put dirty clothes in the dryer!!!
Also learn to ID the different tick species, so you know who's in your yard. The Ixodes ticks are TINY, so often not noticed, never good.
And talk to your MD about possible testing if you've had a tick attached to you. It can be difficult to get human testing for more than Lyme disease, don't ask me why.
Dogs are routinely tested for Lyme, Anaplasma, and Erlichia, at least. And it's an inexpensive test, which also includes heartworm.
We aren't so lucky...
It's about having a repellent on your clothes, oral meds for your dogs and cats, and doing a daily personal tick search. And learning safe tick removal techniques! Never touch one, use tweezers or a tick removal tool, never squeeze the body of the tick.
Miserable creatures! All ticks can carry multiple nasty diseases, especially for us, our dogs, and horses.
I'd never put dirty clothes in the dryer!!!
Also learn to ID the different tick species, so you know who's in your yard. The Ixodes ticks are TINY, so often not noticed, never good.
And talk to your MD about possible testing if you've had a tick attached to you. It can be difficult to get human testing for more than Lyme disease, don't ask me why.
Dogs are routinely tested for Lyme, Anaplasma, and Erlichia, at least. And it's an inexpensive test, which also includes heartworm.
We aren't so lucky...
I'm going to answer some questions ppl have asked: I do have a dog, short hair and can see his skin pretty clear. Yard as very low cut grass, and nothing in my way of getting to the coop. As for tics I dont usually research them I just take them out of me and on with my day (I know that's bad). I take lots of showers so I'll be able to find a tic on me. I am going to be washing the chicken clothes often. We keep our fireplace wood in the basement. Hopefully finding new boots/shoes to go into the chicken coop. When it gets nicer out we are going to be cleaning up everything in the yard and doing some tic repellant.

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