Time and TIME AGAIN...40 lbs of organic pellets in 2 weeks and 4 days. WTF?

Since winter with less day light they don't lay as much. They are going through a molt. It seems they eat a little bit more.

I have 8 chix that are 8.5 months. I get 2 - 4 eggs a day. Depends on the weather. Different breeds in different stages of feather loss/growth.

I am feeding grower crumbles for 30 days with a 10 day transition on each side from layer pellets & grower crumbles. Always oyster shell available. They eat alot before roosting. It helps them stay warm, with mild winter here.

I fill my feeders and waterer's every day.

You can get food from Chewy.com and not have to go to the feed store so you don't have to go every day.
no molt - just a year old in april!
just eating like horses ha ha

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