Timing the egg laying process


10 Years
Aug 20, 2009
East Central VA
So while working on the coop/run and various things today I decided to time the girls on their box usage, and I must say I'm shocked.

Joe.... 2 HOURS from the time she gets in the box until the egg is laid, I gave up after a half hour waiting for her to get off, so in excess of 2.5 hours.
Ezzy.... from the second she gets in it until the egg is laid, an hour, then another 20 minutes before she gets off.
Bertha.... Half hour to lay and another 10 before she got out
Red... half an hour, get in to get out, missed the egg laying for her.
Mayhem... 10 minutes in to out
Freak... 12 minutes
Panic.... 5 minutes

Joe, Ezzzy, Red and Bertha all fight over the same nest box too. I have 2 in there now and am planning on adding another due to Joe holding everyone up but I don't think they will use it. Freak, Panic and Mayhem prefer the upper box that the others don't like so there's no waiting in line for them.

Has anyone else timed the process for their girls? And have you found the same thing? Or is Joe just a fuss pot nest hog?
Oh I love this!
Maybe one day this summer I'll time my girls (24 of em, lol)
Funny, I was just thinking about this. I have one that takes about three hours--a solid hour of hopping in and out, and then two hours of just sitting there.
That's a good idea to time them but I don't know how I would have the time to do so. I have seen them in and out and back in to the nest again. I have thought about putting a camera in the coop so I could watch.
I'm not even counting the jumping in and out mess! OMG...... no wonder I don't get eggs some days, Joe must spend most of her day in there!
Sorry I find it funny that their egg laying behavior matches their names. You should have known Panic would be the quickest.

Great little time line you got.
I gave up timing them. With a few, Jezebel and Girlie, I'd be waiting all day. I've gone into the coop to find out what was killing my chickens by the sounds of it, only to find Jezebel sitting on the nest sqawking to herself. She talks constantly. I think that's the reason none of the other chickens go into the coop while Jezzie is on the nest.

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