Tiny crackhead- Cull or Tame

That’s absolutely not true, it depends on how much space and females there are. If each has eight females, and there’s enough space for both, they wouldn’t have a problem. When one is less dominant, there also aren’t many problems.
I do agree if they’re both dominant, they’re gonna fight.
I agree, if you have enough hens and a correct size of space then 2 roosters should not cause problems unless they are both very dominant
Since hes not a rare breed id personally cull him I dont keep aggressive males had a rooster rip both sides of a hen all the way down to the ankle causing infection both where culled and also had one attack me and would pace the fence trying so he went to aint worth it as males are a dime a dozen. I would never rehome aggressive males then again i never rehome males period.
How did he manage that? You were of course wearing suitable shoes that cover your feet...

Again if you are wearing appropriate clothing it won't matter if he attacks your leg.

If you are running away from a creature that size then perhaps roosters aren't for you.

If he's okay when he's given his space, then give him his space.

However, if you are trying to keep two males in a confined space you are likely to have problems, if not problems with you, then problems between the two males.

I am a backyard chicken farmer- if I’m out in flip flops and shorts and see cute chickens, imma go pet the cute chickens in flip flops and shorts, and I guess I’ll reap what I sow. Mind your business.

I’m not scared of a tiny roo, but I am scared for the kids because that tiny scratch to me could be traumatizing for a child.

One flock has 3 immature roosters- which will be cutting down to 1 rooster once they’re grown out a bit more. —- Yes I still have Crackhead I’m too much of a coward to cull. Still on the hunt for a home.
Since hes not a rare breed id personally cull him I dont keep aggressive males had a rooster rip both sides of a hen all the way down to the ankle causing infection both where culled and also had one attack me and would pace the fence trying so he went to aint worth it as males are a dime a dozen. I would never rehome aggressive males then again i never rehome males period.

Which is the plan!!! I still have to get my crap together and cull or take him to the Amish to be culled. There’s a crazy lady I know that takes aggressive roosters and works some chicken magic on them to make them tame… she does it for Fun.
Again she’s a little nuts but still love her- sounds like she might be interested in this devil boy.
That’s absolutely not true, it depends on how much space and females there are. If each has eight females, and there’s enough space for both, they wouldn’t have a problem. When one is less dominant, there also aren’t many problems.
I do agree if they’re both dominant, they’re gonna fight.
It is absolutely true. One rooster, not possible to have a problem with another rooster. It's a statistical impossibility.
That’s absolutely not true, it depends on how much space and females there are. If each has eight females, and there’s enough space for both, they wouldn’t have a problem. When one is less dominant, there also aren’t many problems.
I do agree if they’re both dominant, they’re gonna fight.
It is absolutely true. Logic and statistics make it true. A single rooster can't fight himself.:D
It is absolutely true. One rooster, not possible to have a problem with another rooster. It's a statistical impossibility.

It is absolutely true. Logic and statistics make it true. A single rooster can't fight himself.:D
We’re not talking possibilities, we’re talking probabilities.
If we were to speak possibilities, I’d say it is a 100% possible for a rooster to fight himself…
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OMG he is adorable! I would keep him!
He grew up true to his name! LOL!!!
Even his mood is unpredictable 🤣🤣
Some days he wants me to regret being born, some days he sees me- screams- and runs away, and some days he glares at me from a distance.
Something very wrong with this young boy 🤣🤣🤣

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