Tiny predators

Anywhere a weasels head can go, its body will go. I wouldn't put it past one to go through a 1" hole...or a rat either for that matter.
All this debate about a 1" hole. First I don't believe that a rat or a weasel can fit thru a 1" hole. If you believe that then help answer the thread starters question. What went thru that 1" hole and ate the guts from three chickens and left using the same 1" hole.
Weasels can easily fit through a 1 inch hole; however, they are blood drinkers and do not go for the guts of a chicken, head and neck only. The birds will look somewhat deflated. They usually kill the entire flock too. We have had giant rats fit through holes that were smaller then a quarter. We would bait them with horse feed and shoot them as soon as they squeezed through. We currently have a pretty large skunk living under the garden shed with an access hole the size of a tennis ball. Can't wait to test out my new 22 hand gun on him!!!
Just curious, how many chickens do you have all together? If you have a bunch it could be the other chickens. I have had chickens cleaned out from the tail end. I first thought some critter did it but after the second time I caught them in action. They are cannibals and won't hesitate to pick on one if the are crowded or find a weak one.

Like someone said before, if a mink can get through a hole that size and then feed. He ain't going back through it. I would like to know how many chickens are.
I had a least weasel kill 8 hens in one night. A least weasel is SMALL. I saw this one, and he/she looked and acted like a ferocious hot dog! I can easily believe they could squeeze through a 1/2 hole, and a couple working together back and forth all night could bring a lot of bits of chicken back to their home! They don't necessarily fill their bellies on site. I solved the problem with a cement floor, and 1/4 hardware cloth at every opening, and don't forget any gaps around doors.
I read this a lot about ermine sizes and I feel its comes down to human error and 'gestimation' of the hole in question. They're sneaky little things and I'm very confident in saying it was indeed an ermine that did these attacks. 1" possibly and its recommended to use 1/2" or less.

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