Tiny, Sight Impaired Black Ameraucana Update--she's laying! (Pics)

she is delicate looking, isn't she? pretty girl.
I'm not going to blame the breeder who was kind enough to put some Ameraucana eggs in with the fertility test BR eggs out of the goodness of her heart!
And we love Tiny just like she is.
I'm not sure what she weighs. Maybe 4 lbs, if that?
I think I have a silkie cochin cross like this. He will completely miss food and peck the heck out of your hand, he can only eat if its in a big pile or something and he pecks in the middle of it. I too said he had depth perception problems. You have a really pretty girl.
My boy is a black color too.
I'm hoping this condition will convince my parents into letting me keep him.
He's a real sweetie.

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