To bathe or not to bathe that is the ?


Mar 17, 2017
Pomeroy, OH
Last night my rotten guineas got into the area where my silkies are and boy were they flustered this morning...Running in circles, chattering all about it, and upset with me...Lol. Anyway, one of my silkies got pooed on. Right on top of her back, ugh. So my question is should I bathe her or will she clean up herself. I would really like to get it off of her, but she is only 7 weeks and still quite a bit nervous of everything, including being handled much. So any opinions on whether I should go ahead and bath her or leave her be?
I used to bathe my girls if they got pooped on, but now I just let them clean it off. Make sure she has a good area to dust bathe in. If she isn't seeming to clean it off in a few days, I'd personally bathe her. (Someone will probably have an official answer to this... just my two cents!)
Thank you, I'm thinking letting her do it, if she can accomplish it, would be best. She acts as if you're the most horrible thing ever when ya pick her up...Lol. She hasn't quite gained her confidence,yet. Poor thing is scared of about anything. I have to keep an eye on her cuz eventhough everyone is nice to her if another chicken even comes to taste her food she will run away. She has another silkie buddy to hang out with but they are not as skittish as she is. And the trauma of dealing with the guineas was enough for one night
Well she has already gotten the majority of it off on her own...Added a bit more sand and the both of them are on a"roll" lol

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