To get a cat, or not to get a cat... PICS ADDED, p. 6!

how would it possible to go to sleep with out the soothing sound of purring! My indoor kitty uses those scratch boards and hasn't bothered the furniture. We have feral cats that eat mice and gophers in exchange for food. I can't remember a time in my life that there have not been cats in it and they have all been special. We had a great big one (20 lbs) that I bottle raised and he had a pretty good command of the English language. I believe he understood the meaning of about 50 separate words, really! He went camping with us, boating, walked on a leash, pretty cool cat.
Thank you all so much for your great advice and cat stories! It looks like I have about 30 votes for a cat and one vote for a duck?!
I guess I'm going to need to pay a visit to the shelter and start meeting some kitties and fill out an application. I'll be sure to post some pics here if we end up with a new feline family member!
I prefer a well trained dog over a cat, but our dogs are very poorly trained so I prefer the cats. They will manage to get anywhere they want in your house. They are good about only going in their litter box. They choose when they want to be petted. They decide when you WILL let them out. Just cover the stuff on your counter. If you're thawing meat over night stick it in the microwave to keep it safe. They love to pull on their claws in your furniture and drapes. When you yell at them they stop and take their time about removing their claws then walk off. They don't usually grovel like dogs do. We do have a cat that has no dignity, lays on his back and wants his stomach scratched. Quite pathetic for a cat.
I have 3 house cats. I would suggest two cats. They have so much fun playing w/each other and love a companion.

They dont scratch on the furniture. I bought a turbo scratcher at walmart and it is their fav toy/scratch pad. I feed them on the dryer, one place the dogs cant get to it. The dogs & cats all get along. The old doxie bosses the cats around and they basically stay out of her way
Cats are great! I would get one
Our big old lazy cat is such a sweety! he lays on our chest all the time and just puuurrrsss away. At first though it will seems like war between the cat and the dog but they get used to each other within a weeks time. Put the cat in a carrier at first when you get her home and let the dog smell her from there. They usually say to keep him in there for at least three hours and then open the door a little to see if she wants to come out and explore. They will do most of the exploring at night when they are new
I would keep your dog locked up the first few nights to allow the new cat to get a chance to explore
IMO get a kitten not an adult cat. Much easier to get the dog used to a kitten then an adult cat. I have had cats and dogs my whole life and that's how it always worked out. Most adult cats can really hurt a small dog if given the chance.
Cats are lots of fun, I think.

I've had cats all my life, but I'm having my first experience with an indoor only cat. He came with my husband. Now, I'm a convert. It is so much better to keep them inside or confined all the time. They live longer!

We have an "outdoor cage," a huge homemade aviary we no longer use for pigeons, that we put him in for short periods when weather permits. That takes care of his getting a little sun and Vitamin D, making sure he has shade to get into as well.

But he is never allowed to run free. I'll never have an outdoor cat again. Too many things can happen to them.

It is so much better to keep them inside or confined all the time. They live longer!

My indoor/outdoor cat is 19. How much longer do I need her to live...seriously!!!
I can't imagine not having my cats. Mine both have different personalities. Ozzie (male) is a shameless attention hog. He acts more like a dog than a cat, except he doesn't go outside. He is happiest when he has some part of his body touching a human. I think we could carry him around by his tail and he's purr.

Cassie (female) is completely different. She's typical aloof cat. OK, I take that back... she's aloof with me because she doesn't like to share my DH. Ungrateful wench... I saved her from the pound as a kitten and have been her servant for 12+ years but all I get from her are dirty looks. She loves my kids though, and is sweet when she wants to be.

My suggestion for a first time cat owner... if you want snuggly, go for a male cat. Of all the cats I've known, about 90% of the males were snuggly and only about 25% of the females were. Grey tabby males are usually off the charts snuggly.

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