To get a Rooster or Not


7 Years
Jan 17, 2013
My Pastor owns chickens and has decided to hatch some eggs, and four are roosters. My pastor wants to give one to me, and I do not own any roosters at the moment. The rooster is a Rhode Island Red. (RIR) They have a reputaion of being particularly nasty, and I am not sure. I would like to someday hatch my own eggs, but I am unsure to add the roo to my flock. So to get a roo or not that is the question........
Well, the past RIR roosters that I have owned have done great for me. just don't get to many, or they'll tear up your hens
... Just a suggestion.
Thanks. But will he be aggressive? I have not raised him myself, and I don't know his personality.
A RIR rooster is really a good looking bird. Yet they can be a pain in the a**! I currently have one & we have gone a few rounds. He knows where I stand, yet that doesn't stop him from testing me occasionally. If your skittish of being suddenly charged for just being in the pen, then consider other alternatives.
I suppose that you need to decide what benefits you will gain from having a rooster. They don't lay eggs. My rooster keeps all the hens mated, but none of them is broody. I keep mine because I enjoy watching the dynamics of the flock.

Had none of mine turned out to be a rooster, I doubt that I would have gotten one.

My RIR rooster was awesome. We had to give him away due to having another rooster, but he was a really great bird. I think it will depend on the individual rooster as to whether or not he is aggressive.
Okay, I think I might get the RIR roo! I will talk it over with my family right now.

I love my rooster. He is not mean at all.If he was I would kill him and get another roo.People are always giving away roos.That is how I got mine.Free off craigs.

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