To help or not help a zipped egg


8 Years
Mar 23, 2011
I have an egg that zipped about 9 hours ago, give or take..but no progress..Should I help it hatch or leave it? Any advise welcomed
Does it just have a small cracked spot on it? If can take 24 hours or more for the chick to make it out after making hte 1st pip. Can you see the beak?
Tough question! I had a hatch this past weekend, and there were a few stragglers that I decided to help out. All three of them were sticky...very sticky. One had its wings completely stuck to it. I had to bathe and blow dry them to get rid of the stickiness. One was never able to walk, one had severe spraddle and curled toes to the point of not being able to walk, and the other one is miraculously okay. I've since culled the first two, because I couldn't do anything for them even though I tried. I have now sworn that I WILL NOT help another chick out again. I know many others have had much success with helping chicks out, but I guess I wasn't so fortunate. There is usually a reason why they can't get out of the egg on their own. In my case, probably due to their leg issues, etc. Anyway, just some food for thought. Good luck whatever you decide to do! I know it's hard watching the babies struggle!
I have helped two recently and they are doing fine. This link was very informative about the different types of therapy you can offer a peep to help get the legs stronger etc. Both of mine had a lazy leg at first and then it became stronger and they now fit right in with the rest of the brood. I will preface this with not all do well and you will have to be prepared to cull if necessary. If I hear a lot of peeping and see good movement and its been many hours I will chip away at the shell to see what the membrane is doing and maybe wet it some to loosen it. usually once I do that the peep does all of the rest of the work and pops out in my hand.

Poultry Pedia
Its still moving and peeps ever so often, I dont know if its resting or if its stuck...I hate to open the incubator and risk drying it out..How long can it take from the time it finishes zipping until hatch..Im going on almost 10 hours now..
I highly recommend this link, too!
It's helped me out on more than one occasion.
A week ago my broody hatched 6 chicks and then got off the nest leaving eggs behind. I waited 2 days and then went to throw out the cold eggs, checking each one to see what had happened inside. One had pipped all around the underside and stopped. It was cold and dry and buggy but when I went to toss it, it peeped! I almost had a heart attack!
Well I ran in the house and chipped away the egg to find the shell all stuck to the chick and the chick cold. I ran it under warm water and held it in my hand for an hour to warm it and then thought to turn on a bator and stick it in there. It came back fast and was screaming and walking around the bator in a few hours and that night I put it in with the mom with no problem.
HOWEVER, that chick hasn't grown at all although it runs around and eats with everyone else. The size difference gets worse every day and I now realize there was a reason that chick didn't hatch. Kind of wish I hadn't saved it, but it PEEPED at me! What else could I do?!

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