To refrigerate or not to refrigerate, that is the question

We eat them too fast to bother refrigerating them. I also think they cook better at room temp.
We have found that room temp eggs are best for fried eggs. When I try to fry refrigerated eggs the middle stays cold/cool and sometimes the egg white doesn't cook all the way. But that is never a problem if I start out with room temp eggs
If you sell your eggs, do whatever the State requires of you for licensing.

If they are for your own consumption, I recommend you look up shell egg processing requirements from the USDA, and the same from the EU. Both have looked at the issue of food-born disease in shell eggs, made a risk assessment, and issued regulations on the subject. They are RADICALLY different.

Choose USDA method or EU method - whichever is best for your circumstances. DO NOT skip steps, mix and match methods, or make up some frankenstein monster of the two. They may disagree, but both have more training, education, and experience in the process (and statistics on what goes wrong, or to what severity) than any of us.

/edit and yes, many recipes, particularly French custards and similar egg-based emulsifications - work best with room temperature eggs. Its chemistry. But that doesn't mean you have to store them that way, only ensure the egg is at temp before adding it to the recipe.

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