To scratch or not to scratch


Jul 19, 2020
I just read that I should not be giving my chickens scratch and I am 🤯 . Advice on feeding scratch vs not feeding scratch. My 9 pullets and 1 cockerel are mixed in age ranging from 10 weeks to 17 weeks. They free range all day and I give them scratch with some meal worms once or twice a day. Should I not be giving them scratch or should I reduce it to once a day? This is in addition to their crumbles which they have access to all day. Of course now I'm paranoid that I have screwed them up 🤦‍♀️.
Scratch is essentially a snack and from what I've seen it should be given as an occasional treat or it can lead to an unbalanced diet and their health can deteriorate. A little once a day shouldn't hurt but make sure they aren't preferring the scratch over their actual food. You said they free range so you can even reduce giving scratch to maybe every other day. They just probably won't be too happy about that though 😅
Scratch is essentially a snack and from what I've seen it should be given as an occasional treat or it can lead to an unbalanced diet and their health can deteriorate. A little once a day shouldn't hurt but make sure they aren't preferring the scratch over their actual food. You said they free range so you can even reduce giving scratch to maybe every other day. They just probably won't be too happy about that though 😅
And I’m sure they would let me know!

I gave mine scratch before I started making my own feed it is a snack so each chicken should get 1/8c a day so if you give it with mealworms I would get a bucket and put 2 1/2c of scratch in the bucket add your mealworms and give it to them

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