TO the "funny" ones...

Wildsky! I was getting ready to thank you for mentioning me; then realized you must have meant Mac in Abilene, who I don't think has posted in a while. I haven't been particularily witty either - only thing I thought I said that was somewhat funny (but also true) was the comment about "Suede being the George Clooney of chickendom." But hey, I can deal with it!

How are the horse and goat working out? Still okay?
Hope so, you did a great job working out the housing for them.

Take care,
Oh so this blizzard we're getting is all your fault?

Thanks! You too...stay warm indeed!

I am not going ANYwhere. Staying in and watching a bunch of movies


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I've been playing with Barbie dolls -

Hope everyone had a wonderful day.....

If the wind stops blwoing we might actually get to play outside in the snow!

I don't know abou tthe houseing, the goat figured out he could HOP over the 4ft fence... and he did, more than 4 or 5 times... we had to nail some wood up at the top of the posts, thats kept him in so far!

The horse was OBSESSED with the goat the first day, now its the other way round and the goat is following her all over, but Rosie the horse still keeps checking on him when he's out and she's in (she was eating her dinner)

They seem to be getting on ok.... with any luck they'll settle down!
Well yeah kinda.................

YOU GOT THE GLOVES! I told Santa you needed some, he's a stand up guy - and on such short notice!
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Spoiled? My girls are spoiled? I would have never guessed!

Merry Belated Christmas to you too, Wildsky, and alto to all out there!

Wow I made a list too, yippee, I made a list, I made a list. I will have to tell my girls its their fault. They have gotten so bored they stand at the fridge now, waiting for me to open it.
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the goat figured out he could HOP over the 4ft fence... and he did, more than 4 or 5 times... we had to nail some wood up at the top of the posts, thats kept him in so far!

We had the same problem when we had our goats. We put the board up along the top edge of the wire, and they stopped jumping. It's amazing that a piece of wood can make a goat think that it's no longer jumpable. What is with that?? LOL​

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