To tree or not to tree

PeaChick C

6 Years
Apr 2, 2013
Oskaloosa, Iowa
Out guineas have always returned to the coop at night. But last night I had two that tried to roost in a pine tree close to the coop. Since we had an owl attack on a duck recently at around dusk, I encouraged the guineas to come home with a broom handle and a poke in the rear. Funny thing is out peafowl sleep outside 9 months out of the year with no problem.
Recommendations? Are my guineas safe out all night like the peacocks? Or should I keep running them in?
I had a male guinea stay out in a pine tree for a week & on the eighth night there was a scream in the night & no more guinea! Owls will keep coming back IMHO.
Out guineas have always returned to the coop at night. But last night I had two that tried to roost in a pine tree close to the coop. Since we had an owl attack on a duck recently at around dusk, I encouraged the guineas to come home with a broom handle and a poke in the rear. Funny thing is out peafowl sleep outside 9 months out of the year with no problem.
Recommendations? Are my guineas safe out all night like the peacocks? Or should I keep running them in?
Because of their size the adult peafowl are not a target for the owls. On the other hand owls consider guineas to be wonderful food. I chase my guineas in every night because if I let them roost outside it would only be a matter of time until I would not have any guineas due to great horned owls.

Good luck.

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