To who ever suggested the feather duster....


Positively Ducky
11 Years
Oct 2, 2008
You are a genius!!!

My lone duck egg hatched and she snuggles under the feathers. I also put a mirror in there so JJ has a "buddy" until the ducklings come in at the feed store tomorrow.

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JJ is Janet's baby. It looks a little light-colored because of the flash, but I am 99% sure this is a pure bred khaki.
BC, I am going to have to take my chances at the feed store. I have been studying duckling photos so I can tell what the different breeds look like. I would like another khaki or even a runner. Basically as long as I don't get a Pekin or a Muscovy, I will be happy.
Ooooo.... poor little thing LOL It'll be so happy when those little ducks come in
I'll have to remember the feather duster trick... that is a smart one indeed!
I wish I could remember who suggested it. They need a medal or ribbon or something! JJ snuggles up to the feathers and does the "run out and explore for 3 seconds and dive back under the feathers real quick" thing just like a baby duck in the wild would do with mama.

The best part is the darn thing was only 99¢!!!
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