Today is day 10 again .....


12 Years
Nov 20, 2007
Glendale, AZ
Just looked at my calendar and the eggs are on day 5 - hopefully this time we will make it to hatch.

the other eggs that were lost - should have been on day 22 - I could of had babies in another 5 days

but we moved the bator into the bedroom closet , run the temps alittle lower than normal and when I have to leave the house I remove one of the plugs - just in case the temps spike while we are gone some of the heat can leave and not cook the babies again.

I candled them last night - not really expecting to see anything yet most of the eggs there was nothing showing yet, one looks like it has a very light blood ring but I am giving it plenty of time in the bator before we do anything and in one I saw the tiniest little blood spot - maybe the start to veins
I really want some little duckies waddling around the house

I think this time we finally have the bator in the right place in the house - I even remembered to add the shelf liner to keep the little buggers from rolling to much if they make it that far LOL

so here we go again - please keep your fingers crossed

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Day 6 and counting - I candled them tonight again - just because -

still looks like 3 with great veins the rest are still clear but it is early so I am hopefull they will start to grow soon.

the bator is holding much better - temps are staying in the 90's and the highest I have seen it was 100.01.

humidity is staying in the upper 40's I have the bottom filled and place a small dish half filled with water - I will add more water the closer we get to hatch day which looks like April 5 ( give or take )

so far so good

Day 9 -- and we are still going along great this time -- there still looks like 3 eggs growing, great veins, and I can even see a little blob where the baby is growing

we still have 4 eggs that are not doing anything - but they have till day 14 to do something.

but if I only get 3 babies - than that is fine with me -

well it is day 10 - we are getting there - Dh has learned to candle the eggs- which I think is great !!

well we have movement in three of the eggs - one of the "babies" is very active - going to be fun to see if this is an active baby running around all over the place.

we still have nothing in 4 of them - but I will give them till day 14 - and than remove them.

so far I think i am going to have at least 3 babies


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