Today's egg count! What's yours?

0/9 this morning...I think they know what's up. Later this morning, our flock will go from 10 birds to 5 as I re-home all of our ducks. Maybe the lack of egg is in mourning for the soon-to-be loss of coop-mates.

- TieDyeMommy
Just cutting back or getting more productive younger birds?

Just keeping it type of bird at a time. Just before we loaded up the ducks, one of 'em laid an egg. And I found two hidden elsewhere in the 3/9 was my coint for today. Now I only have my 5 pullets.

- TieDyeMommy
I'm hoping for a little help. I have 17 hens of various breeds most are brown except for my 2 brown leghorns. Over the past week to ten days I have not been getting white eggs. Is this natural? Do chickens take periods of time off where they don't lay? All my girls are 7+ months old and have been producing excellently. I have looked around to see if they are laying outside the nest but haven't found any evidence of it. They get free choice oyster shells, fed layer crumbles and kitchen scraps. They have a covered area for outside ranging/playing. The only thing that I know is different is that I haven't been able to clean out their coop area. Could this cause them to stop laying? Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated. Should I quarantine my leghorns and keep them away from the others??

I sold my ducks yesterday, and today I have no eggs, but my ducks' new owner has two eggs. I think I may have sold my only layers. Looks like my chickens are too young to lay. Oh well...better we'd enjoy the eggs we collected before the'll be a while before we get fresh eggs again. LOL

- TieDyeMommy

Now knowing these are duck eggs (and which ducks are laying), the left egg came from a Black Crested duck & the right egg came from a White Crested duck.
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I have had my laying hens for around a week and a half and heard my first egg song today. With 8 mixed hens U Have Been Getting 5-7 Eggs A Day Without Full Free range. I started 2 days ago letting them out 1 hour before sunset, and they are doing well.

It's been a while since I've posted to this thread. My previous posts were about duck eggs, though I didn't know it at the time. The ducks have long since been re-homed, and now my Ladies have come of age. All 5 are squatting, but as of right now, only 4 are laying. So, my egg count is 4/5.

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