Toddler's Creed


15 Years
May 24, 2007
This has likely been posted before but I haven't seen it so I wanted to share...

The Toddler's Creed

1) If I want it, it's mine.

2) If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine.

3) If I can take it away from you, it's mine.

4) If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.

5) If it's mine, it will never belong to anybody else, no matter what.

6) If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.

7) If it looks just like mine, it is mine.
OMG ... you are so right!

We bought our 4 yr old one of those huge tool sets.

Our 2 year old screamed, literally, from the time he opened it and would not share, until my DH had gone to the store and come home with another set just like it.

Then they both screamed and fought because all their pieces matched and they kept say 'that's mine!'.

Eventually we had to write their initials in each little piece.
LOL so true!

I think our chickens are like that too! Especially if one sees a worm and then grabs it and runs with the others following..... reminds me of the scene on "Finding Nemo" when all the seagulls are chasing the pelican saying, "MINE! MINE! MINE!" LOL so funny!!!!!!
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and I'll bite you because it's mine.

and if i'm told no, I'll throw it because it's mine.

and I'll sleep with the thing that's yours and puke on it in the middle of the night and then you'll reject it and it will be all mine.

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