Toe falling off


Sep 10, 2022
One of my pullet's toe is falling off due to a hair wrapped around it. I didn't notice she had a hair on it until it was too late. It is hanging on my a white tendon, I think. I am so upset and don't know what to do for her. She still acts fine but occasionally lifts her foot, so I know it is hurting. What should I do for her?
Do your best to keep it clean to prevent infection as it heals. There are many stories on here where chickens have lived perfectly fine lives with missing parts.
She's gonna be ok. It's gonna hurt until it finally falls, you can help by wrapping another rubber on the hair that's killing her toe, this way it will fall faster. Make sure her bone falls too! If not, this would leave a dangerous opening for infection! Make sure the bedding is as clean as possible, so her foot won't get infected. You can rub antiseptic on it as well, so it stays more sanitised.
Pictures will help. Use some chlorhexidene or betadine on the area, and snip the tendon with sharp scissors. Keep it clean with a little antibiotic ointment and a foot dressing if possible. Or place her on a clean towel for bedding inside a dog crate with food and water. That way it can start healing. Most chickens who lose a toe will experience pain, but usually do well if infection is prevented.

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