Too early to start nesting????

Sue S

6 Years
Mar 7, 2018
Hi everybody, I need some advice on my female mallard nesting. I have 3 females & 1 male, 1 of my females starting laying eggs again this week she has laid 3 eggs so far, I took 2 & found that she laid her 3rd egg this morning, I didn't take it, I want babies!!!! My question is, Is it too early in the year for her to start nesting??? :idunno
Do you have pictures of your "Mallards" ? I see a pair of rouens in your avvy.. Not sure if those are the same birds you're talking about or not.. Just because your ducks are laying doesn't mean that they'll go broody just by leaving eggs in their nest.
full grown ducks.jpg
Yep, those are rouens, not mallards.. I've never had one of my rouens go broody before but it isn't impossible. A broody duck will spend all it's time on a nest she's built. If you go near her while she's sitting she'll most likely hiss and puff up at you. they'll also pluck feathers from off their chest and line it in the nest.. And when she's off he nest she'll sort of stay away from everyone else, fluffed out a bit to make herself look bigger.
I haven't dealt with many broody ducks in the past before but @chickens really has, She most likely knows what to look for in a broody duck than me :frow
Thanks. I thought they were mallards. Rouens & Mallards look very similar
Since I want ducklings, should I wait til she lays more eggs them put them in an incubator or wait to see if she hatches them????
I'm new to this so i'm going to ask why????? Will she not hatch them????

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