Too early to tell the sex on these SLWs?


6 Years
Apr 9, 2015
I have a little group of six Silver Lace Wyandottes about 4 weeks old now. Is it too early to tell what sex they might be? I can see wattles starting on one of them, but that's about all I can make out. Any help is appreciated. I'm not sure if this will work with a group shot.

Just looking for comments like "I see two roos" or something like that since they are all mixed up. Not looking for a specific sex per bird. :)

Same chicks in all the pics.

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Thank you! I'll try again in a few weeks if I can't tell by then.
Eventually some will have larger combs and their hackle, wing and tail feathers will become pointier. Legs will be thicker and longer. Tails will start to curve.

You can do it.
I think they look like pullets too and that's why I asked, but six strait run chicks all being pullets would be pretty amazing. I would like to get a roo though. I have 12 in the bator right now so hopefully that will work out with a couple roos. But if they are all pullets, then Heaven smiled down upon me.
One week later.................

I'm having a hard time telling if the hackle feather are pointy like a rooster, or if it's just the amount of white on the feather. Can anyone help me out?




Also #3


Thank you for any feedback.
It's too early to sex your birds by hackle or saddle feathers. Those don't come until the bird starts hitting sexual maturity, around 3 months.

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