Too hot for scratch?

What is the temperature? Your location?

'Summer' isn't very definitive regarding temperature.
Scratch is energy intensive but it depends on ambient temperature.
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During the summer heat above 80 F/27 C. I cut the daily Scratch Grains treats in half to 1 Tbsp per chicken.
I give them a wet mash made with cold water and chicken feed, Crumbles/Pellets early afternoon.

I give 2 Tbsp of dry feed per chicken, a half cup for 4 chickens and add about a half cup of cold water and serve immediately when made with crumbles.
A couple of minutes when made with pellets.
Serve in a shady spot.
When my flock had 7 I used a larger metal pan or 2 of the smaller rubber bowls.

A benefit of decreasing Scratch and getting more feed into them gets egg laying back up to spring time numbers. GC
During the summer heat above 80 F/27 C. I cut the daily Scratch Grains treats in half to 1 Tbsp per chicken.
I give them a wet mash made with cold water and chicken feed, Crumbles/Pellets early afternoon.View attachment 2757806
I give 2 Tbsp of dry feed per chicken, a half cup for 4 chickens and add about a half cup of cold water and serve immediately when made with crumbles.
A couple of minutes when made with pellets.
Serve in a shady spot.
When my flock had 7 I used a larger metal pan or 2 of the smaller rubber bowls.View attachment 2757807
A benefit of decreasing Scratch and getting more feed into them gets egg laying back up to spring time numbers. GC
Thank you for that advice. Your hens look great. Barred Rocks?

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