too many rabbits. please help me.


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 13, 2013
Quinlan, TX
Im in bunny hell.

I thought i brought home 2 males in february. Turns out 1 was female and they're older than i was told. She had 12 babies total, we lost 2 tho. Now i have 12 rabbits.

I had an atrium built of 120 sq ft with ramps and i open the doors during the day to give extra room the width of 2 dog fences. And man i give them every toy and treat i see, the best alfalfa, feed and litter i can find. It is obscene what this is costing me, but they are sooooo precious. Oh and when theyre ready for spay and neuter, a low cost clinic, 2 hours from home, is still going to be over $600. Plus renting a cargo van big enough to carry them all or the multiple trips and a hotel/hotels to hang out at while i wait....

None of them want anything to do with me, they run like hell as if i had ever hurt them. Im spending $600 per month caring for them to be ignored? My heart is broken, i am a slave to cleaning their habitat 2 or more hours every day and because of these reasons i have begun to resent them.

Now, theyre fighting, even the girls. I dont have space to separate any more than the 3 boys currently residing inside my home, do you have any idea what that smells like? And the additional time cleaning in my house 2 or 3 times per day and changing out their litter boxes, blankets/towels, rugs and cardboard boxes or some other hidey-hole kind of house, to keep up with the odor of little boys spraying. 2 were badly injured and need medical attention, and papa does not want anything to do, with anybody, any more, even me of course. Hes vicious with them and i doubt he will ever be reintroduced to the herd again. Then he chewed the power cord for the surround sound subwoofer.... Thats why these 3 are inside in solitary, i have no place else to put them. So many crates and fences ive bought, the monthly costs and the $1000 aviary i had built for them, im out of money and cannot buy any more-anything.

Ive called, emailed and filled out online forms for 4 rescue orgs, a sanctuary, the SPCA and 2 nearby shelters. Everybody says they are at capacity and unable to help me, even after I assured them all that i can make whatever donation necessary to take some if not all of these precious wonders., and craigslist have attaracted 1 person who wanted them for food and 1 who wants a female to breed - i could not look myself in the mirror if i agreed to those terms of use.

My fantasy of a pair of house rabbits napping with my dog on his bed or cuddling with me while i read is shattered. Im just going to go ahead and throw this tidbit of info out there too, im bipolar and disabled, the stress this situation is causing is dangerous for someone like me. Im deeply depressed because i dont know how to 'stop the hemorraging' and get some relief from this level of responsibility and physical demands. I cant take a trip, go on vacation or visit my friend in Seattle to 'get a break' for a little while - because i cant get anybody to do what im doing here to get through the day. DH wants nothing to do with them, he sees what this is doing to me and hes beside himself. I am past the breaking point that this is effecting my health. My marriage is suffering and so strained that we are discussing terms for separation, my husband just wants his living room back and for our house not to smell like boy bunny, and i see no light at the end of the tunnel.

Ive considered putting each one in a crate with small amounts of extra hay, feed and litter and leave each one on a different door step with a nice note explaining that their 'person' loves them very much but can no longer care for them properly and "PLEASE LOVE ME" Until then i continue to stay in bed all day, ignoring them now, wait for the next cleaning, and cram bad foods in my mouth while sitting in the dark.

What would you do? Im begging for an answer. I will do anything, take them anywhere.... Please help.

Desperate In Texas
List them on CL again and don't ask what the person plans to do with them. Seriously, if your marriage and mental health are suffering this much, they've got to go NOW. Your husband is a saint, mine would have butchered them already.
Have you searched for a local rabbit shelter? Or maybe ask on a rabbit forum if people can adopt or foster a few.
It must be a horrible mess please make sure no more rabbits get pregnant :<
Also the space you have is huge, if you get the male rabbits neutered you should be able to have a group of 4 or 6 rabbits if you want, as long as they get along and you have equal numbers of girls and boys.

For now it might be better to make their environment as low maintenance as possible, even if that means they have a boring or smaller space. I'm assuming they are outside? My rabbits don't have towels in their cages, and if the bedding is placed in their litterboxes only it will encourage them peeing there. Also putting their hay above the litterbox. But with so many hormonal rabbits they will also poop and pee to show their territory :/

As for the costs I feed my rabbits hay for horses, I can buy a bale for €4. Rabbits should get limited amounts of rabbit feed (if you didn't know this already) but top quality food is pricey sadly. I really hope you can get in contact a rabbit rescue center that can take over some of your bunnies :hugs
I'm sorry to hear of your dilemma.

You resent them, they don't like you, no one wants them.

Drastic times call for drastic measures.

Either euthanize them, or put them in a box and drive them out to the country and let them go.

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