I ended up with 3 roosters (all brothers) who are now 10 months old it is becoming a problem. At first I thought it would work out with three guys guarding the girls but that has changed. First of all two of them continually gang up on the third and have him completely intimidated. But what is worse is that they continually mount the hens (each taking a turn) and the girls no longer have any feathers on their back. I have posted FREE ROOSTER ads in the local feed stores, neighborhood networks etc. for months now, but with all that is going on I have not gotten takers. (Posting in the feed stores worked in the past) Killing is not an option for me. They are free-range so separating them is challenging. The easily scale our 4' fences to get to the girls. What else can I do to protect the girls before they are seriously injured? Maybe someone who reads this in the SW Florida area (I am in Punta Gorda) needs or wants them or knows of someone who wants them.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. They are a mix breed of LI and RI reds.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. They are a mix breed of LI and RI reds.