Too Many Roosters!


6 Years
Jun 19, 2013
Help, I purchased 8 Barred Plymouth Rock chicks at 1 day old. Now they are 13 weeks and 6 are roosters. I plan to keep 2 and need to find a good home for 4. I live on MD's Eastern Shore. Can anyone out there help me?
Craigslist is a great way to get rid of unwanted roosters. There's also a forum on here for buying, selling, trading, etc.
Did you get them at tractor supply? same thing happened to me. wasn't happy about it. anyway, BYC suggested I put them on craigs list, and low and behold I rehomed all four of them the same day I placed them on craigs. But be very careful and screen. I had a couple of nasty people that tried to get my babies. Mine were pets. I live on the eastern shore as well. In Salisbury.
I live in Pittsville, very close to Salisbury. My Boys are pets also so I want to place them in good homes. I also got them at TSC and am very disappointed that they wouldn't help to sex the chicks and when I complained to them they said sorry but that's the breaks. I have
raised these roosters from one day old and am attached to them. They are very sweet. I want to do what's best for the entire group but am
having problems placing the boys.
I rehomed two roosters and when I was looking for someone, I insisted that I get to see their place first. My mom bred show dogs and this was her requirement when selling her dogs, along with a huge list of other things the new owner had to agree to. I figured since I was giving them away, I should be able to see the place and ask questions first. I found someone who was as "chicken crazy" as me and loves the roosters as much as I did! She even texts me pictures of them once per week or so!

I had someone who kept insisting that she'd pick them up, and wouldn't' directly answer me if I could come see her place, so I knew I didn't want them going there!

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