Too much humidity?

Well I've reached day 10. Ran it dry for a day. Put a tablespoon of water in this morning. I candled today.

There is only one egg which I can see some veins. There is also a black dot inside this egg. It is not however, moving. Is it dead?
The rest of the eggs I can only see a black shadow then a black dot. No veins. What do I do now?? Do I keep adding a tablespoon of water each day?
There is still some condensation on the cover. However it's significantly smaller than the picture above.
At day 10, movement is not significant. Day 14 will show a lot of movement, but not necessarily at the moment you are candling.

At day 10, blood vessels should be clearly visible from the air cell down.

Could you post a photo or two?
I may have missed it, do you have a hygrometer at all that tells you what your humidity is at?

As for your egg that is moving that's good! That is what you want to see. The other ones that you do not see movement does not mean they are not living... sometimes it can be hard to see movement. Sometimes I think my eyes are playing tricks on me and I wonder if I am really seeing movement or not...LOL!

What are your air cells looking like?
I will try post some pics tomorrow. I can only see one egg that has blood vessels. I dont think the rest do though...I candled it again before goig to bed. I think I saw the egg with the blood vessels embryo move a just hoping I got the correct air cell etc.
Pic of my incubator. I bought a humidity reader. It says 36 percent humidity and 41.3 degrees incubator only reads the temperature and says 37.5 degrees Celsius. What do I trust for temperature? My incubator or humidity reader?
Pics of my eggs...are any of them alive? One of the eggs has a black dot that moves when you slightly tilt the egg. This egg has some very faint veins. The other eggs have black dots, however, doesn't move when you slightly tilt the eggs. Is the air cell and egg development correct? What should my humidity be set at

? Any help appreciated
Also forgot to add, I'm using a dodgy candler...Using my iPhone torch. Excuse the monkey cover lol.
It looks like you are candling from the bottom. I use to do the same thing but if you candle from the top (a little tricky, you may want to ask for help until you get the hang of it), you will see better. You will have a clear view of the air cells and you will see the veins better.

As for the humidity reader that you bought with the temp... did you by chance check the temp for accuracy prior to using? If it is accurate then your humidity is good. If the temp is right, then it is way too high. I would take it out and try to check it against a know thermometer. (That's the hard part... knowing what is right.)

Okay now your pictures. The first does look like something started to develop but it's hard to see the veins, I think I see the air cell at the top and that looks ok to me. The second one is dark which if you could candle from the top you may have something in there, it's hard to tell. The next one looks like it may be a blood spot, followed by 2 clears. The last one again looks like there was/is something there but looks too clear in the bottom. Since you are looking at them in person, do you see veins? The slight movement you see when you move the egg does not necessarily mean that the chick is moving... that could be you moving it with the egg.

So here's what I would do. First I would try to check my new thermometer/hygrometer. The temp is the most important. If that is really right then unfortunately I don't think that that is good news for your eggs. As for the humidity, I take my readings with a grain of salt - I use the reading as a starting point but really go more by the size of my air cells on whether I need to increase/decrease humidity. Second at this point if you are in any way unsure of what you are seeing, just continue with your incubation. You will learn from this trial and will be able to make adjustments for the next go. I would suggest keeping a log or everything that happens. It has helped me a lot when I had questions with current hatches. And lastly, once this round is over, open your eggs. You will be able to determine for sure if they were clear, if something started to develop, and how far along they were. It can help you to determine at what point there was an issue.

Good luck.

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