Too soon?


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2018
My Rooster is trying to mate with my hens but they aren’t laying yet. They are all the same age but he seems a little advanced lol. Poor girls are running for their lives when he comes near them. Do I need to separate him? I don’t want him to hurt them. My other rooster hasn’t started showing any of these behaviors. I’ve thought about just keeping the more docile one but am not sure what to do.
i personally would separate the "overactive" rooster, and see how the other rooster reacts. Your one rooster may not be mounting because he is not the alpha, and the alpha will not let him.
You'll need to you want any males in your flock.
The only (well, the best) reason to have males is so you can hatch out chicks.
If you only want chickens for eating eggs, I'd get rid of all the males.
You are dealing with young cockerels and immature(not laying) pullets.
Typical, but can be unpleasant, behavior.

FYI.....semantics, maybe, but can be important communication terms when discussing chicken behavior.
Female chickens are called pullets until one year of age, then they are called hens.
Male chickens are called cockerels until one year of age, then they are called cocks(or cockbirds or roosters).
Age in weeks or months is always a good thing to note.

ETA: Oh, and, Welcome to BYC!!
Never really addressed your title question.....Too soon?
No, not too soon.
Males reach sexual maturity before females do.
~4 months vs ~6 months.

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