Top off food or toss and refill?

Oh he is beautiful! How is his personality?
Pierogi has always been so sweet.
He started crowing this week and seems to be getting more aggressive now.
He still loves to be pet sitting on my lap.
I so hope he doesn't get mean as I really want to keep him.
I have 9 girls now and Pierogi. I won't keep a mean chicken.

Those Polish are beautiful birds. I'm gonna have to look for some.
N&MSchroeder :

I have a long feeder, so I just pick out any shavings that may have been kicked in and then I tip it so the old feed slides to one end and I add new feed to the other end. Not sure if you can do this with a round feeder, but I hate wasting feed.

That is what I did when they were in the brooder!
I never use the container it comes with. I fill their food dish a few times a day. I rarely toss any out.
I try to "reuse" feed. I have mason feeder and filer out bad stuff everyday..and replace feed everyday,,My chicks always scratches and throw feed out in I finally "got smart" and let them scratch for feed at "night---evening"..and next day refill and clean water and food...Less waste and still clean food. They had 5 lbs of food less than week at 1 wk old.. already thru 20 lbs of 50 lbs fd at 3 wks old but know alot of wasted..seems alot of BO are the culprits....???

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