Topic of the Week - Feeding Treats

I give my chickens blackcurrant as a vitamin-treat in winter time.

Where I live, every farm has some blackcurrant bushes. They were planted in the 60's to 80's and people used to, and still do, make lemonade from them. Personally I don't much care for sweet drinks (and I'm a terrible cook!), so I freeze them in portions, thaw them up and give them to the chickens with regular intervals. Some consider it an atrocity that I give such precious berries to the chickens. Haha!

I fill around two 10 liter buckets each fall. For 10-15 chickens and ducks it's a reasonable amount of easy to eat, all natural winter vitamin addition.
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For a cheap winter treat, try growing a tray of cat-grass. Grass seeds are cheap, you grow them in a windowsill, and the flock will tear all the grass upp and eat it in 5 seconds flat.
For something different I bought some wheat grass seed on Amazon. Takes a week or less to get the grass high enough to feed to the girls. Pretty easy.
my chickens usually don't eat a lot of whole barley and oats so they sprout in the run. that way they eat all of them.

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