Topic of the Week - Lice and Mites - Prevention and Treatments

My question is about mites. I discovered just as our new little chicks were hatching that my flock has mites. The chicks hatched on May 18th. I separated the mama and 3 chicks to a brooder and then treated the rest of the flock and their housing with Diatomaceous Earth. How old do the babies need to be before I can treat them and mama? I also have a spray called Poultry Protector by Manna Pro. This says they need to be at least 10 days old. Can I still treat mama hen or is this also unsafe to the babies? I know mites are very detrimental to the health of chickens so I hate to wait to long.
Do a search for DE and just 10 of the threads that pop up in the search, you will find out after reading about the 6 one that is just doesn't work.
Get some permethrin spray.
Do a search for DE and just 10 of the threads that pop up in the search, you will find out after reading about the 6 one that is just doesn't work.
Get some permethrin spray.
X2. Where is that post where the person found mites crawling all over the DE in a box?
Has anyone used Suspend SC? I am told it works great for house flies and it is safe for animals.....I would think it would work great for lice and mites?
Screen Shot 2017-06-12 at 6.47.30 PM.png

Never heard of it until this post.

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